Redefining Self-Care
It is a revolutionary and evolutionary act to care for yourself in a world of suffering. Each of us has the subtle and potent power to generate an increased “care forcefield” in our small corner of the world. Investing in ongoing acts of self-care is in service of you—and all those who love you, watch you, and are cared for by you. Grow your “care forcefield” by discovering and constructing a reliable cornucopia of strategies, approaches, and techniques that builds your physical and psychological resilience.
The care you readily give to yourself is palpable, and emits like a forcefield to all those around you!
Published in Massage and Bodywork Magazine, read Savvy Self-Care columnists, Heath and Nicole Reed’s reimagining of Self-Care in the article below.
Excerpt: “Full-spectrum self-care requires embracing not only the yin qualities (tenderness, gentleness, and stillness) but also the yang qualities (activating, strengthening, and empowering) to initiate change, stand up for ourselves and others, recommit to our core values, and refuse to suffer.“