Essentials for Drama Free Communication
It may seem strange to emphasize the topic of Drama Free Communication in a Massage CE course…Yet, dramatic behavior is often at the root of clients’ and therapists‘ complaints, defensiveness, and other criticism related to a massage session. Learn how to perceive if you, your clients or others are reinforcing drama. And discover how to reliably step out of drama at and away from the table.
In addition to helping yourself and your clients experience less pain, it is imperative to clearly communicate and respond to clients’ goals, feedback, and requests. This includes growing into and owning your role as a healthcare educator. Communication and reassessing at the beginning, end, and throughout the entire length of the session are essential to providing longer lasting beneficial impacts, and assisting clients in internalizing their own ability to actively support their healing between sessions.
Enjoy the following introduction to Drama Free Communication and warm up your mind and body with “Brain Gym” (btw, in some video lessons throughout this home study you’ll notice other therapists who took this course in the past).
Actions to Step out of Drama:
• Becoming aware if and when myself or others are participating in the “Drama Triangle” – Identify who is acting or behaving as the Victim, Villain, Hero
• Transforming complaint, criticism, and blame by taking 100% response-ability (the ability to respond rather than unconsciously reacting)
• Becoming a source of safety for yourself and for your clients (people don’t heal if they don’t feel safe; and therapists don’t thrive if they ignore, push or force through pain)
• Creating clear agreements with clients, like utilizing the “Friendly Feedback Check-in Checklist”
• Coaching clients to share feedback (i.e., that’s too much pressure) and make clear requests (i.e., can you use less pressure?) to contribute to the design of the session and meet or exceed expectations
• Educating and communicating your expertise by providing recommendations as a way to support client care, build trust and rapport
• Listening with appreciation to feedback and requests made by clients, colleagues, family and more
Be prepared to identify examples of when you or your clients might contribute to the drama triangle by assuming one of the “victim, villain, or hero” roles. We all step into the drama triangle at some point. When you do, what role is most familiar to you? And how do you see the drama triangle being played out on the table?