The Power of Moving with Massage

Heath Reed · May 2, 2023

This module examines tenets from multiple manual and movement therapy approaches to generate greater ease and economy in our daily activities.

Learn to perform and combine Advanced Stretching (indirect sheer) and Positive Pressure (direct sheer) to reshape disorganized fascia into a more harmonious and functional support system.

Safely and dynamically enhance yours and your clients’ strength, flexibility, and mobility with pattern interruptions in your movement habits and with assisted stretching or “Call for Motion” that you provide others. And discover how to utilize the Ground Reaction Force (equal and opposite force of gravity) to support your healthy body mechanics and leverage the greatest impact with the least effort.

Becoming aware of how different forces and lines of tension (myofascial meridians, kinetic chains, postural holding patterns, repetitive stress injuries, gravity, etc) in your own body (and in clients’ bodies) allows you to more effectively release unnecessary effort, tension, and pain.

About Instructor

Heath Reed

4 Courses

+117 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 20 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz