Lesson 1 of 23
In Progress

Introduction by Heath & Nicole Reed, Massage and Movement Therapists

Heath & Nicole January 26, 2023

Introduction to Massage and Movement Therapists

Our Ethics and Massage course emphasizes experiential activities to enhance your learning process and fuel your “body intelligence”. We appreciate the inspiration of Drs. Katie and Gay Hendricks, and present this course in collaboration with their multi-decade studies and experimentation with relationship playfulness. www.hendricks.com

This course is organized as a combination of videos, slides, blogs, articles, and additional online resources. We recommend you have a pen and paper available for exercises and  note any “aha” moments;  body experiences; or insights that may arise. Our hope is that you are as interactive with this course as you like to be. We invite you play with us on this journey to maximize your body intelligence potential.

Included are “Wonder” questions. Wonder is a skill of curiosity. It is possible to grow your wonder muscles so you can grow your possibilities to experience more freedom, positivity and happiness. They are like seeds planted in a garden…once planted some will grow and even thrive while others die and never get to see the light of day. Allow wonder questions to wash over you in a way that requires no immediate answer and allows for contemplative awareness and evolution of your practice to naturally unfold.  Noticing what grows in your garden by noticing which wonder questions reoccur and ask for your attention.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ~ Walt Disney