Exploring the Evolutionary Edges of Ethics and Massage
Introduction by Heath & Nicole Reed, Massage and Movement Therapists1 Quiz
You Can Heal with Your Presence1 Quiz
Bodifying Presence1 Quiz
Presencing Invitations REF1 Quiz
Positivity Vs. Burnout1 Quiz
Body Intelligence1 Quiz
Befriending Your Body Awareness
Willingness: The Cosmic Waitress
The Value of Appreciation
Appreciations in Practice
Generating Appreciations1 Quiz
Living Above the Line1 Quiz
Practicing Above the Line
The Line and Body Intelligence
Drama & Heroing1 Quiz
Refuel Yourself with the Loop of Awareness
Inspire Your Practice with Conscious Breathing1 Quiz
Pattern Interrupt with Power Poses and Movement1 Quiz
Presencing Moves
Power Poses1 Quiz
The Yes Breath
Embodying Presence & Positivity Review
More Resources to Fuel Positivity
Participants 113
For more than a decade, we have advocated, “Presence is more important than technique.” It’s not what you do, but how you do it that touches people most deeply. It may be your credentials or a referral that got your client through your door, but it’s who you are that has your client returning back to see you.
Presencing is a call to action.
We invite you to wonder into what ways can you include yourself in every session.
Most everyone has had an experience where they weren’t feeling the greatest, and then another person came into our space and made all the difference. Sometimes this happens, even without words. This is one practical example of how you can heal with your presence.
Can you list three examples of when this has happened for you as a giver or receiver?